The Prime Directive
Order Michael H. Sasse’s book on the founding principles of Kingdom Economics: “How Should We Then Live?”
Have you ever wondered why we’re here? Has each of us been created just so some of us can“get saved” and float on a cloud in our retirement home in the sky after we die, or is there some purpose that we are to be about right here and right now? Are Christians to live reactively,fending off attacks from the enemy and the world until we’re rescued, or is there a strategic purpose for us to fulfill here in life?
A half-century ago, Francis Schaeffer wrote a book titled with the question: “How Should We Then Live?” I’ve sought biblical answers to that question since then, and that search has led me into a study of Kingdom living founded on what I have dubbed The Prime Directive of Genesis 1:28 – to “be fruitful and multiply.”
The Prime Directive speaks to all aspects of our lives – our thoughts, work, worship, prayer, family, sex, recreation, health and government. We look at what it means to be fruitful, to be holy, and what “Kingdom Economics” means. We then examine how the Prime Directive addresses the governmental jurisdictions of self, family, church, marketplace, and civil government.
My goal is to sow strategic seeds into each individual so that each of us can better participate in our individual and collective callings and gifts as we walk out “How Should We Then Live.” I hope that it will be a help to you as you seek to fulfill your destiny as directed by the Holy Spirit.
- Michael H. Sasse
productivity, holiness, Wealth and a family legacy are essential elements of a life well-lived. The Creator’s Prime Directive is to be fruitful and multiply which makes a well-lived life possible.
Praise for The Prime Directive
Mike Sasse has provided leadership, teaching, and counseling in Kingdom economics in our church and beyond for many years. Now he has distilled more than a decade of research, prayer, and revelation into The Prime Directive. Mike's discussion of holiness will challenge traditional beliefs and shed light on what it means to live now in the Kingdom of God. Many small groups, reading clubs, Sunday schools, and college classrooms would benefit from a fresh wrestling with God's first commandment to be fruitful and multiply!
— Timothy Parish, Senior Pastor,
New Life Church, Louisville, Kentucky
Mike Sasse's book, The Prime Directive, gives us both personal and 'big picture' fundamentals. Then he offers a sequential plan of common sense (complexities noted) based on personal living, organizations, and spiritual realities. Mike knows how to 'get to the roots' that create our way of life. You will get there too as you enjoy the reading; it's solid underneath our feet.
— Dennis Peacocke,
Founder and CEO, GoStrategic International Ministries
About Mike
Author Michael Sasse is a retired business owner and entrepreneur who has spent his life seeking a biblical path for himself, his family, and his business. At eighteen, he discovered that every person’s purpose is to attain fellowship with God through salvation in Jesus Christ.
As a successful business owner, Sasse had a growing awareness that God wanted more from him than just to get along and make a living. He took to heart God’s call to ask, seek, and knock in a steady quest to learn how to live all aspects of life as God intended.
As an avid student of the Bible as well as best practices in his trade, he sought out seminars and courses on listening, prayer, business, marriage, law, and economics. Out of a fifty-year commitment to applying God’s principles to all of life, he has found that God’s Prime Directive pinpoints practical solutions for us, our families, and our nation.
For inquiries, email Mike at